There are many regional organizations and government agencies involved in the water issues in the ACF Basin that contain information of interest.
Federal Government Agencies
NOAA Drought Information (contains current conditions and forecast information) - www.drought.gov
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Mobile Office - www.sam.usace.army.mil
State & Regional Organizations
Florida Department of Environmental Protection - ww.floridadep.org
Alabama Department of Environmental Management - www.adem.state.al.us/default.cnt
Lake Seminole Association – Dedicated to protecting the interests of one of America’s greatest lakes - www.lakeseminole.wordpress.com
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center - www.jonesctr.org
Technical Papers:
Below is a list of technical papers and books related to environmental, water efficiency, water quality and water management. These resources have been cited by members of the ACFS as containing information they believe will be of interest to others.
Light, H.M,, Vincent, K.R., Darst, M.R., and Price, F.D., 2006, Water-level decline in the Apalachicola River, Florida, from 1954 to 2004, and effects on floodplain habitats: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5173, 83 p., plus CD http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2006/5173/
Darst, M.R., and Light, H.M., 2008, Drier forest composition associated with hydrologic change in the Apalachicola River floodplain, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5062, 81 p. http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2008/5062/
NWFWMD book Voices of the Apalachicola
E. O. Wilson’s The Creation, An Appeal to Save Life on Earth;
Janisse Ray’s Ecology of a Cracker Childhood:
H. T. Odum’s; A Prosperous Way Down, and Environment, Power, and Society for the Twenty-First Century;
Eugene P. Odum’s Ecology, A Bridge Between Science and Society;
Leon Neel’s, The Art of Managing Longleaf;
Wendell Berry, Thomas Berry, Lewis Thomas (anything)
The presentations listed below detail some of the history, structure, and projects of ACFS. The ACFS presentations have evolved over the last year, as projects have been completed and new ones started. Presentations have been made at numerous water resource conferences and civic organizations. Included also are the presentations made at the various Governing Board meetings. Listings are in reverse chronological order.
At the Governing Board meeting in Columbus in May 2016, the Institute for Water Resources presented a discussion on drought planning. Here is the material presented:
Below are presentations made at the December 2013 Governing Board meeting at Lake Blackshear, GA.
Below are presentations made at the June 2013 Governing Board meeting at Columbus, GA.
Below are presentations made at the April 2013 Governing Board meeting at Apalachicola, FL.
Below are presentations made at the December 2012 Governing Board meeting at Lake Blackshear.
Below are presentations made at the March 15 – 16, 2012 Governing Board meeting in Apalachicola
Below are presentations made at the Dec 8 – 9, 2011 Governing Board meeting in Albany
Below are the presentations made at the May 18 – 19 ACFS Governing Board meeting at George Bagby State Park.
ACF Drought Briefing from the Southeast River Forecasting Center
Fish and Wildlife Service report on Ecological Imperative for ACF Flow Guidelines
Here is the presentation made to the Georgia Water Resource Conference in Athens:
April 2013 – 2013 GWC ACF Stakeholders Presentation
Below are three recorded webinar sessions on four different modeling programs with Hydrologic Modeling experts presented to the ACF Stakeholders Data-Needs-Sustainability Work Group. Click on the session name and any necessary software will be downloaded to your computer if you do not already have it installed.
OASIS and Stella modeling webinar recording – 1 hr 53 min
OASIS is a model developed and presented by Hydrologics, Inc of Maryland
Stella is a model resource presented by Steve Leitman
HEC ResSim modeling webinar recording – 1 hr 8 min
HEC ResSim is the model used by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Presented by George McMahon, Ph. D. of ARCADIS-US, Inc.
Georgia Water Resource Institute modeling webinar recording – 1 hr 6 min
The model developed by Georgia Water Resource Institute at Georgia Tech. Presented by Aris Georgakakos, Ph.D.
Below are general documents related to the mission, goals and projects of ACFS: